Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I have a really exciting event for you planned for this Saturday the 10th! Consistent with the theme of life around here lately, its going to be quite combination of strange and beautiful things....

Starting at 2 pm, I'm hosting a sample sale for Round Designs and Matt Costa Sunglasses. This will be kind of a slow release sale, no doubt involving prosecco and fruit. It’s really exciting for me because it will be Lila's first sample sale in Brooklyn and I know all of you admire her stuff when I wear it. It's also exciting because this is Matt launching his sunglasses, and he has such an amazing eye and sensibility for this, the work he's doing is just incredible, I can’t wait for you all to see it!!
And of course I’ll have a rack of summer deals out for you…

Starting around 4, we will slowly transition into:
ALL AMERICAN BBQ!!!! 2008!!!!!
Ben is coming from philly and making baked beans. We want hot dogs, handburgers, potato salad, cole slaw and bud. This is all american baby. This is classic. This is Mary Meyer BBQ. This is summer beginning.

THEN at 8 pm I am so pleased to be hosting a mysterious and no doubt RAD piece of performance art called Kansas City Book of the Dead with Michael Mason and Cole Wimpee, directed by Matthew Hancock.

Kansas City Book of the Dead from miariddle on Vimeo.

All in all I think its going to be a super rad and beautiful time and I hope to see you all there.

neil and me

Freedom Forever

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